The Power of Marketing

We’re starting Q2 focused on growth and progress. Whether you are an EPI member or not, we are preparing all advisors to continue 2018 strong. And a critical piece of growth is marketing. We understand that marketing is never easy, but it is necessary to grow and expand. Great marketing builds trust, name and brand recognition and allows you to become a go-to expert in your field. This month, EPI Vice President of Marketing, Brooke Norman, is kicking Q2 off by hosting two webinars focused on how to harness the power of… Read More

Management-led Internal Buyouts (A Private Equity Perspective)

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. —Jack Welch The same can be said about growing and exiting a business. Most owners start their business in management positions, eventually growing and stepping into a more strategic role. As the company grows, new non-owning managers are added. When looking to exit, selling the company to key managers is an attractive way to monetize the value of their business, preserve its legacy, and give back to those folks who… Read More

The Secret Power of Story Telling in Exit Planning and Master Business Planning

What is your favorite family story? Mine is a story regarding my Great Aunt Margaret. Margaret was sixteen, unemployed, and in charge of her three siblings in rural Oklahoma after her mother disappeared in the mid-1930’s. Needing money, Margaret had heard that there were factory jobs in California, so she rode in the back of a truck for three days with no food to get to California. Shortly after arriving, she interviewed with a nice man, Herman, who was eating lunch at the time.  While Herman interviewed her, Margaret mostly stared at… Read More

Applying the Formula for Luck

Thomas Jefferson believes in luck and Oprah Winfrey does not. Yet both believe that luck has the same formula. How lucky are you? #exitplanning #hardwork #lucky #changetheoutcome #epi

Start at the End. How to start the exit planning conversation.

Most owners don’t start their business with the end in mind. Getting a company off the ground is a feat in and of itself.  By the time the owners hit their 50s or 60s, they are now thinking of how to reap the long-lasting benefits of their business into retirement. An exit doesn’t have to be a pain point that causes owners to avoid the subject altogether. Unfortunately, as research shows, most exits are never discussed and hardly planned, leading to unsuccessful transitions. The EPI State of Owner Readiness research, conducted both… Read More

8 Things That Drive the Value of a Business

There is no right way to value a business. In fact, as an advisor, you know that what works for one client might not work for another. The same can be said for adding value to a business. The value of a business can mean different things to different people but, at the end of the day, buyers pay more for profitable businesses that are growing quickly. What do you say? Make more money? Hire better people? Those things are a given and you’d be hard-pressed to find an owner who wouldn’t… Read More

12 Recordings for Growing Value

We’ve curated the 12 recordings to inspire change and activate the 11 actions it takes to grow value (rapidly) and release (trapped) wealth. #exitplanning

Exploring the Psychology Behind Exit Planning

Starting a business takes guts. Deciding to transition out of a business is just as courageous. Part of the exit planning process requires the advisors understand the motivations and psychology behind the business owner’s desires to transition out of their business. Exploring these motivations and getting inside the heads of the business owners is a much an art as it is a science. A successful business transition requires attention and understanding, not only to the financial side of the exit, but the way owners think. Work is work but for business owners,… Read More

Marketing Strategy versus Client Delivery?

We want to market well. We want to sell better. Once we do, we want to be able to deliver our services efficiently (for the right price) #howtosellexit #EPI

Is there an Elephant in the Family Business?

Every family business struggles with challenges that no one wants to talk about.  Operating a business is hard enough, adding on the dynamics of working with relatives into the mix and it is easy to see how family businesses can struggle to effectively operate. Personal feelings can cloud judgment, foster resentment, and negatively impact how the business grows.  If problems are left to fester, the business can become a battleground.  When family businesses avoid discussing these critical issues, they miss business opportunities, lose money and damage relationships. These “elephants in the room” keep… Read More